Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Prajnana (Absolute Knowledge) is always shining even in sleep

Ramana Maharishi:  Prajnana (Absolute Knowledge) is that from which vijnana (relative knowledge) proceeds.

Devotee:  In the state of vijnana one becomes aware of the samvit (cosmic intelligence). But is that suddha samvit aware by itself without the aid of antahkaranas (inner organs)?

Ramana Maharishi:  It is so, even logically.

Devotee:  Becoming aware of samvit in jagrat by vijnana, prajnana is not found self-shining. If so, it must be found in sleep.

Ramana Maharishi:  The awareness is at present through antahkaranas. Prajnana is always shining even in sleep. If one is continuously aware in jagrat the awareness will continue in sleep also
Moreover, it is illustrated thus: A king comes into the hall, sits there and then leaves the place. He did not go into the kitchen. Can one in the kitchen for that reason say, “The king did not come here”? When awareness is found in jagrat it must also be in sleep.

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